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What Causes Myopia to Worsen?

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Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, has primarily been considered a harmless eye condition, easily fixed with a pair of glasses, in the past.  However, we know better now that, if left untreated, both genetics and certain environmental factors may cause myopia to develop and worsen, potentially leading to serious sight-threatening complications impacting daily life.  While myopia is not reliably preventable, there are ways to manage it, including reducing its progression, which is particularly helpful for children who develop it. 

What Causes Myopia to Worsen?

When myopia gets worse, due to excessive eye elongation, the level of nearsightedness also increases.  This means that objects viewed in the distance become blurrier than they used to be.  Generally, myopia stops progressing when you become a young adult, but before then, it can worsen at a faster pace if not properly treated, which is why it is so crucial for children to receive regular comprehensive eye exams to stay on top of their myopia.

Factors that may cause myopia to worsen include:

  • Genetic Factors:  If you or your partner are nearsighted, your child is much more likely to develop myopia.  While you cannot change your genetics, knowing this predisposition can help you take early action.
  • Excessive Digital Screen TimeStudies have shown that children who spend too much time on digital devices or nearwork (like reading or using a computer) are at a higher risk of developing myopia.
  • Lack of Outdoor Time in Daytime:  Sunlight exposure has been linked to a decreased chance of myopia development, in addition to a lower risk of developing severe myopia.

Myopia Complications

If left untreated, myopia can develop into high myopia, which significantly increases the risk of sight-threatening eye conditions, such as:

  • Glaucoma:  Often called the “silent thief,” it involves gradual damage to the optic nerve, which may lead to permanent vision loss, first affecting peripheral vision and then later affecting central vision.
  • Cataracts:  The natural crystalline lens within your eye becomes cloudy, causing blurred vision and glare, especially at night.
  • Retinal Detachments:  The retina, the sensory layer responsible for vision, pulls away from the back wall of your eye, which is considered an eye emergency and may result in blindness.
  • Myopic Maculopathy (Myopic Macular Degeneration):  Because the macula, the part of the retina responsible for central vision, is stretched thin due to an elongated eye, it degenerates and may even develop bleeding and leakage, resulting in devastating central vision loss.

Beyond these severe repercussions of leaving myopia untreated, living with untreated myopia as a child can significantly impact their academic performance and daily activities.  Difficulty seeing distant objects can hinder their ability to participate in sports, read the board in school, or enjoy outdoor activities.  Addressing myopia early can help mitigate these challenges.

Treatment Options for Myopia

The first step in managing myopia is ensuring that kids are seen regularly for eye exams.  Comprehensive eye exams give your optometrist the best opportunity to diagnose and manage it.  The more you know about your ocular health, the better.  Both children’s and adult eye exams allow for the early detection of myopia.

A young girl holds up an eye test during an annual eye exam for myopia. She points to the wall with her optometrist beside her

Prescription Glasses

Eyeglasses are the most common and straightforward treatment for myopia.  They correct your child’s vision and allow them to see clearly at a distance.  Frames that fit well and are comfortable for everyday use will encourage your child to wear them regularly.

There are also specially designed therapeutic eyeglasses that actually slow the progression of myopia, which will eventually become available in the USA once FDA-approved.  

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be a convenient alternative to glasses for older children and teenagers.  However, make sure your child is responsible enough to handle them properly and with care, as they may require special cleaning and maintenance regimens.

There are also specially designed therapeutic contact lenses, rather than traditional glasses or contact lenses, which can significantly decrease the rate of myopia progression.  These dual-focus or multifocal lenses contain both distance and near segments, allowing your child to see clearly at any distance.

MiSight® 1 Day Therapeutic Contact Lenses

For example, MiSight® 1 Day therapeutic contact lenses use ActiveControl® Technology to help slow eye elongation associated with myopia in children.  They are the only FDA-approved soft lenses designed to slow myopia progression, while allowing kids to see clearly in the distance by correcting their nearsightedness.  These lenses are also daily disposables, so your children can throw them away after each use instead of worrying about cleaning them every day.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

Ortho-k lenses are specially designed therapeutic contact lenses worn overnight to temporarily reshape the cornea.  They provide clear vision during the day without needing glasses or contact lenses.  Orthokeratology has been proven to slow the rate of myopia progression considerably.

Low-Dose Atropine Therapy

Significantly diluted dilation eye drops, such as atropine 0.05%, have been proven to slow down the progression of myopia.  Most children who use this method of myopia control, often too young for therapeutic contact lenses, do not experience increased light sensitivity or near vision difficulty.

How to Reduce the Likelihood of Myopia Onset

Treatments provided by your optometrist are the best way to proactively manage your child’s myopia.  However, there are external factors that may increase the likelihood of myopia onset, which you can control, such as:

  • Encouraging Time Outside in Daylight:  Because natural exposure to sunlight is beneficial for reducing the likelihood of myopia onset, make it a family routine to spend more time outside, whether it involves playing sports, hiking, or simply walking.
  • Reducing Near Work:  Increased near work is also associated with a higher incidence of myopia onset, so it is important to set digital screen time limits.  This not only helps to reduce eye strain, it also creates a better balance between using digital devices and other activities and hobbies, such as playing with toys, engaging in creative arts, and playing sports.
  • Keeping Up-to-Date Prescription Lenses:  Older prescriptions under-correcting myopia have actually been shown to increase the rate of myopia progression.

Annual comprehensive eye exams for your child can help you stay on top of your child’s eye health, while allowing myopia to be detected early.  Eye Love Optometry understands the need of families for quality eye and vision care in Pinole.  Contact us today to book an eye exam for your child and see how we can help manage your child’s myopia.


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  • Written by Park L. Hsieh, O.D.

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