Everyone’s eyes are different. In fact, even your own two eyes are unique from each other. That is why a comprehensive eye exam and contact lens fitting from an optometrist is the best way to find the contact lenses just right for you, individually. […]
What Is a Refractive Eye Exam (Refraction)?
Our eyes are our windows to the world. Yet, we often take their health for granted. That’s why it’s important to get comprehensive eye exams on a regular basis as your eye doctor recommends. It is recommended that both school-aged kids and most adults have a comprehensive eye exam annually, in order to keep your […]
How Often Should a Child Get an Eye Exam?
Children grow fast. If it’s not new shoes every few months, it’s their never-ending hunger. But as children grow, their eyes also change quickly. Good vision is essential for a child’s overall development, and it’s important to start caring for their eyesight at a young age. Children should have an eye exam between 6 and […]
How Long Does an Eye Exam Take?
Everyone should visit their eye doctor regularly, especially in childhood when certain eye conditions can be slowed down or even completely prevented. Eye exams are vital for protecting your eye health because tests performed by your eye doctor can help to identify and treat eye diseases and other problems during their early stages. If you […]