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Category: Myopia

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What Causes Myopia to Worsen?

A young boy wearing thick black-rimmed glasses squints to see because of myopia as he writes in a notebook against a blue background

Factors that may cause myopia to worsen include:

Genetic Factors: If you or your partner are nearsighted, your child is much more likely to develop myopia. While you cannot change your genetics, knowing this predisposition can help you take early action.

Excessive Digital Screen Time: Studies have shown that children who spend too much time on digital devices or nearwork (like reading or using a computer) are at a higher risk of developing myopia.

Lack of Outdoor Time in Daytime: Sunlight exposure has been linked to a decreased chance of myopia development, in addition to a lower risk of developing severe myopia.

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How Do MiSight® Contact Lenses Work in Slowing Progression of Nearsightedness?

A woman using her left fingers to pull her eyelid down while she puts a contact lens on her right eye with her right hand

MiSight® contact lenses have become a game-changer for myopic, or nearsighted, people looking for a hassle-free solution.  But what makes these lenses stand out?  MiSight® contact lenses function by using a technology called ActivControl.  This innovative technology employs a dual-focus lens design.  One part of the lens corrects the wearer’s nearsightedness, allowing for clear distance […]

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Can Myopia Be Reversed?

An adult girl wearing eyeglasses is looking too closely at her phone screen.

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error that often develops in childhood, requiring prescription eyeglasses to see clearly.  Unfortunately, it cannot be reversed or cured, but there are several effective treatment options to slow or stop its progression. Although myopia often develops in children and youth, it can develop at any age […]

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Does Myopia Get Worse with Age?

A man holding his smartphone very close to his face

Millions of Americans wear glasses or contact lenses due to myopia, also known as nearsightedness.  It usually develops in children and adolescents, but you may have wondered whether myopia worsens with age.  Myopia in children can progress until they reach their 20s, making children’s eye exams essential in diagnosing the condition early.  Adults who were […]

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How to Prevent Astigmatism and Myopia?

Girl with astigmatism squinting by taking off her glasses

Astigmatism and myopia affect millions of Americans, typically from a young age. These conditions can make it harder to see, affecting your quality of life. With the effect of these refractive errors on vision, many people wonder how to prevent astigmatism and myopia.  Although you can’t prevent astigmatism from developing, the likelihood of myopia developing […]

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