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How to Choose Children’s Eyeglasses

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As a parent, you want the best for your child in every aspect of their life.  Whether that’s choosing healthy food options or finding the right school, you always strive to make the best choices. 

Choosing eyeglasses for your child is one such choice.  Glasses not only improve vision, but they can also boost self-confidence, making them an important part of growing up.

Selecting the right pair of children’s eyeglasses is important because good glasses affect vision and comfort.  Here are some helpful tips to guide you through the process:

  • Consider your child’s needs.
  • Take your child’s input.
  • Consult with an optometrist.
  • Consider the durability of the glasses.
  • Choose a suitable eyewear frame style.
  • Keep budget in mind.
  • Involve your child in the decision.
  • Regularly check and update their prescription.

Consider Your Child’s Needs

Before you start shopping, consider your child’s needs.  Are they nearsighted or farsighted?  Do they have astigmatism?  These factors will affect the type of lenses and frames that are suitable.

Take note of any special requirements or recommendations from your child’s eye doctor.  For example, if your child has a strong prescription, they may need thinner lenses to avoid thick and heavy glasses.

Consult with an Optometrist

Before making any purchase, consult with your child’s optometrist.  They can recommend the most suitable type of lenses and frames for your child based on their prescription and needs.  They can also provide guidance on how to properly care for the glasses to ensure they last longer.

Consider the Durability of the Glasses

Children can be rough on their belongings, so it is important to choose durable glasses that can withstand wear and tear.  Look for frames made from materials, such as titanium or flexible plastic, which are less likely to break.  Also, consider getting scratch-resistant and impact-resistant lenses, as these are more likely to survive the rigors of play.

Choose a Suitable Frame Style

There are various frame styles available for children’s eyeglasses, including full-rim, semi-rimless, and rimless.  Full-rim frames provide the most durability and support but may not be suitable for active children.  Semi-rimless or rimless frames offer a more lightweight option but may be less sturdy.  Consider your child’s needs and activities when choosing the frame style.

Discuss Lens Options

There are different lens options available for children’s glasses, such as single vision, bifocals, or progressive lenses.  Single-vision lenses are typically recommended for younger children who have trouble seeing objects at a distance or up close.

However, if your child needs correction for both near and far distances, bifocal or progressive lenses may be a better option.  Consult with your child’s optometrist to determine the best type of lens for their needs.

Keep Budget in Mind

Children grow quickly, and their prescriptions can change frequently.  Consider choosing glasses that are within your budget, as you may need to replace them more often than adult glasses.  You can also look into insurance coverage or package deals offered by eyeglasses retailers to save money on children’s glasses.  It is also a good idea to inquire about warranty options in case of damage.

Involve Your Child in the Decision

Mother and son smiling in the mirror while trying on eyeglasses.

It is important to involve your kids in the decision-making process.  Letting them pick their frames and lenses can make them more excited and willing to wear their glasses.  Have them try on different styles and colors of frames, and make sure that you ask them for their opinion.  This will not only make them feel included, but will also help ensure that they are comfortable with their new glasses.

Regularly Check & Updated Their Prescription

It is crucial to regularly schedule eye exams for your child to check their vision and update their prescription if needed.  Children’s eyesight can change quickly, so we need to try to catch any issues early.  Make sure to follow your optometrist’s recommendations for how often your child should have an eye exam based on their age and specific vision needs.

Encourage Proper Care & Maintenance

Teaching your child how to properly care for their glasses is crucial for maintaining good vision and prolonging the life of their glasses.  Show them how to clean their lenses with a microfiber cloth and avoid using harsh chemicals or materials that could scratch the lenses.

Also, remind them to store their glasses in a protective case when not in use and avoid placing them face down on surfaces.  Regularly checking the fit of their glasses and adjusting nose pads or temple arms can also help prevent damage.

Discover Affordable Eyeglasses for Kids at Eye Love Optometry

At Eye Love Optometry, we understand the importance of finding affordable options for your child’s eyeglasses.  Our team can help you find the perfect pair of glasses from our wide variety of styles, all at a reasonable price.  We also offer personalized styling to ensure your child looks and feels their best.  Contact us today to schedule an eye exam and get your child on their way to clear comfortable vision.


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  • Written by Park L. Hsieh, O.D.

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